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Charli and Teddy’s Story (By a very Happy Mother)

Charli has been terrified of dogs all her life. She is 7 and a very sensitive kid and has never been able to deal with the jumping, the noise and the excitement that comes with a dog.

During the school holidays we took her to meet some puppies and try to introduce her hoping smaller younger dogs might help her overcome her fear and also help her with her emotions and anxiety.

We found some puppies and we took her to meet them.

There were 6 pups and they were brought out 2 at a time.

10 week old Groodles, small, gentle, balls of fluff, but as soon as they came over to Charli she instantly panicked.

She was crying and screaming standing on the owners couch and just unable to control her anxiety.

We went to leave and as we did this little boy pup got out of the pen and sat at her feet. She instantly stopped and said mum I need him.

We stayed for a while, and she began to pat him but as she was still scared of all the other pups I was very hesitant.

I suggested we take some time and meet some other dogs to which she said no I want him; I need him and I’m not leaving without him.

We paid a deposit and left and for the next 5 days she told everyone she knew about her new puppy.

She talked to his photo daily, got upset because she missed him, her whole world became the countdown to when he came home.

The day we picked him she sat with him in the car consoling him and making sure he was ok and from the minute he came home she has done everything with him.

Teddy has been with us for a month and he has completely changed Charli’s whole world.

She is utterly in love with him as he is with her and they share a unique bond that I wouldn’t believe had I not experienced it with my own eyes.

(Charli and Teddy will be participating in the Melton Assistance Dog Program).